It’s graduation season, and lately, Ive been meeting more busy parents of college bound high school seniors who are feeling totally behind and totally overwhelmed.
This week on the Get The Acceptance Letter podcast, available on itunes, Google play, Pocket podcasts, and Overcast, I help Parent Academy member Nicole, whose son Xavier (a high school senior who decided to apply to college in December) plot a path to scholarships. He has been accepted to a fantastic program at Old Dominion, and there is a 14,000.00 short fall so the heat is on!
In this episode, you will find out:
- What the 5 must haves are for any scholarship search.
- Two places you can contact at the college itself for scholarships.
- What’s the difference between an unsubsidized loan and an unsubsidized loan.
- and More!
P.S. If you join the Get The Acceptance Letter Academy email list HERE
You’ll get a FREE list of 7 places you can find millions of dollars in scholarships. Tap the link and let’s get started getting YOUR kid a #DebtFreeDegree!
FREE Webinar THIS Sunday! “How To Build A Scholarship Pipeline & Secure Your Child a #DebtFreeDegree