With less than 6 weeks til high school graduation for most of the country, I’ve had an influx of busy parents of college bound high school seniors. This issue of “Falling in love” with one school has become one I’ve run into more than I’d like. Here are 5 reasons you SHOULD NOT fall in love with ONE school.
This is Ezra. He is a high school senior in Charlotte, North Carolina. Ezra plays football and is a drummer. In addition he holds a job down at a local restaurant and is a member of the national honor Society. Ezra‘s mom is a physician, and his dad is a writer. They joined the debt-free degree community because deadlines were slipping past them, and they needed a clear system and a guide.Their anxiety around “ am I doing enough to help Ezra to get into college and do it debt-free“ is gone.
Sign up for a FREE training that shows you how to find scholarships just like I showed Ezra’s family!